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New Zealand Police v SD [2018] NZYC 412

Published 16 May 2019

Early release from residence — supervision order — Oranga Tamariki Act 1989. The young person, SD, appeared at an early release hearing. Previously at sentencing, Judge Walker (the Principle Youth Court Judge) had narrowly sentenced SD to supervision with residence instead of transferring him to the District Court. An early release report had been provided by SD's youth residence and the Judge commented it was the best he had ever seen. SD and those around him had worked hard to transition him back into the community, setting up a job and place in a rugby team. SD had complied with the conditions of his residence and had not offended or absconded. He had exceeded expectations. SD was granted early release. A seven month supervision order was also imposed. The conditions of the supervision order were that SD was to live with his mother, have a curfew (from 9pm to 7am), attend work, engage in a mentoring programme, attend his rugby training and games, not associate with any of his co-offenders and not consume alcohol or illegal drugs. Judgment Date: 5 July 2018. * * * Note: Names have been changed to comply with legal requirements * * *
