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Bonner v Bonner [2018] NZFC 10043

Published 16 April 2019

Interim parenting order — monitored contact — drug use — Care of Children Act 2004. In 2017 the applicant mother had applied for a parenting ordering granting her day-to-day care of her four children on a without notice basis. Mother raised issues of Father's alcohol consumption, drug use and violence towards her and the children. There was an ongoing police investigation of an incident where Father disciplined one of the children with a wooden baton. This hearing was to determine the level of contact the respondent father was to have with his children. The long delay between initial application and this interim order was largely due to the father's reluctance to take a drug test. Through the process of agreement, the parties had decided the father could have "monitored" contact with the children. This would mean one of the grandparents would monitor the contact instead of requiring supervision from an outside agency. The eldest child refused to see the father and given the age of the eldest child, the Judge allowed that child to determine contact arrangements with Father. An interim parenting order was granted which retained the children in Mother's care and directed monitored contact between father and the three youngest children. Contact between the children and Father could be extended to unmonitored overnight visits upon Father's receipt of a clean hair follicle drug test and delivering the results to the Court. Judgment Date: 14 December 2018. * * * Note: names have been changed to comply with legal requirements. * * *