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Displaying 1 – 10 of 2732 results for " "

  1. New Zealand Police v Ghahraman [2024] NZDC 14690

    Application for discharge without conviction — theft — shoplifting — Sentencing Act 2006, ss 106 & 107 — Lawyers and Conveyancers Act 2006, s 55(1)…

  2. Commerce Commission v Global Fibre8 Ltd [2021] NZDC 2864

    Reserved judgment — misrepresentations — false and/or misleading representations — compliance with the New Zealand Building Code — product certification — party to offending —…

  3. WorkSafe New Zealand v Ministry for Primary Industries [2021] NZDC 2368

    Sentencing — failing to ensure health and safety of workers — failing to consult with other PCBUs — M bovis outbreak — chemical burns —…

  4. WorkSafe New Zealand v Sproull [2021] NZDC 195

    Sentencing — failed to assist WorkSafe investigators — failed to attend scheduled appointment for interview — fair trial rights — costs — Health and Safety…

  5. WorkSafe New Zealand v Dreamworks Construction Ltd [2020] NZDC 22967

    Sentencing — failing to ensure the health and safety of workers — exposing workers to risk of death or serious injury — scaffolding — fall…

  6. WorkSafe New Zealand v New Zealand Defence Force [2020] NZDC 21437

    Sentencing — failure to take reasonably practicable steps to ensure safety of workers — exposing individual to risk of death or serious injury — PCBU…

  7. WorkSafe New Zealand v Hellers Ltd [2020] NZDC 18926

    Sentencing — failing to ensure health and safety of workers — exposing worker to risk of death or serious injury — no effective risk assessment…

  8. WorkSafe New Zealand v Wilson Contractors 2003 Ltd [2020] NZDC 17784

    Sentencing — failing to ensure health and safety of workers — exposing workers to risk of serious injury or death — roadworks — roller crash…

  9. WorkSafe New Zealand v Dong SH Auckland Ltd [2020] NZDC 16013

    Sentencing — failing to ensure health and safety of workers — exposing workers to risk of serious injury or death — duty to consult, co-operate…

  10. R v McFarlane [2024] NZDC 9829

    Sentencing — cultivating cannabis — possession of cannabis for supply — importing cannabis seed — selling cannabis plant — R v Terewi [1999] 3 NZLR…