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Displaying 1811 – 1820 of 2753 results for " "

  1. R v Lamb [2018] NZDC 14857

    Sentencing — rape — breach of protection order — R v AM [2010] NZCA 114 — Barnes v R [2018] NZCA 42. The defendant appeared for…

  2. Inland Revenue Department v Barikov [2018] NZDC 12633

    Sentencing — IRD — liquidation — aided and abetted — PAYE — home detention — KiwiSaver. The defendant appeared for sentence on 12 charges relating to…

  3. R v Jennings [2018] NZDC 12417

    Severance — dismissal of charges — three complainants — whether connection between complainants and sets of offending — Churchis v R [2014] NZCA 281, (2014) 27…

  4. Re Knight [2019] NZFC 2482

    Adoption — surrogacy — rights of mother — surrogate mother's consent dispensed with — genetic relationships — international adoption — call for reform of adoption legislation…

  5. CA v BA [2017] NZFC 7045

    Welfare of a person — administration of property — Protection of Personal and Property Rights Act 1988 — welfare guardian — Re K (A Protected…

  6. R v Middleton [2018] NZDC 12527

    Disposition of person acquitted on grounds of insanity — risk to public — M (CA819/11) v R [2012] NZCA 142, (2012) 28 FRNZ 773 —…

  7. Jaslin Enterprises NZ Ltd v Grasshopper Lawnmowing Services Ltd [2019] NZDC 2205

    Discovery — tailored discovery — contractual dispute — District Court Rules 2014 rr 8.2, 8.3, 8.7 — Commerce Commission v Cathay Pacific Airways Ltd [2012] NZHC…

  8. Noble v Simons [2018] NZDC 26672

    Appeal Tenancy Tribunal — tenant's rights — harassment — exemplary damages — jurisdiction — notice of termination — Residential Tenancies Act 1986, ss 38, 51, 77,…

  9. Gnanasundaraam v Jennian Investments Ltd [2018] NZDC 22865

    Contractual dispute — sale and purchase agreement — contractual mistake — same mistake — misdescription — compensation — Flight v Booth (1834) 131 ER 1160 —…

  10. Cook v Kirkland [2018] NZDC 21344

    Security for costs — duty of care — estates — party residing outside New Zealand — costs — Cox v Rice Craig Solicitors’ Nominee Company…