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Displaying 1881 – 1890 of 2745 results for " "

  1. New Zealand Police v JG [2018] NZYC 654

    Order to take sample from young person — sexual violation by unlawful sexual connection — Criminal Investigations (Bodily Samples) Act 1995, ss 18 & 23…

  2. R v MB [2018] NZYC 562

    Sexual violation by unlawful sexual connection — proof beyond reasonable doubt — consent — Christian v R [2017] NZSC 145. The young person, MB, faced…

  3. New Zealand Police v SD [2018] NZYC 412

    Early release from residence — supervision order — Oranga Tamariki Act 1989. The young person, SD, appeared at an early release hearing. Previously at sentencing,…

  4. R v FC [2018] NZYC 411

    Sentencing — sexual violation — indecent assault — Oranga Tamariki Act 1989, ss 208 & 284. The young person, FC, appeared for sentencing after pleading…

  5. New Zealand Police v FW [2018] NZYC 393

    Disposition hearing — escaping lawful custody — unlawfully taking a motor vehicle — failing to stop — reckless driving causing injury unlawfully getting into a…

  6. New Zealand Police v LL [2018] NZYC 371

    Early release — residence — supervision order. A hearing was conducted to determine whether the young person, LL, could be released from youth residence early.…

  7. R v Mance [2018] NZDC 14528

    Pre-trial application for oral evidence order — admissibility of statement to police — reliability of statement — sexual violation by rape — breach of protection…

  8. Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment v Singh [2018] NZDC 10376

    Illegal immigrant labour — application for discharge without conviction — exercise of court discretion for granting discharges without conviction — R v Hughes [2008] NZCA 546…

  9. R v Gavin [2018] NZDC 7909

    Sentencing — injuring with intent to cause grievous bodily harm — GBH — dog attacks person — assault with a weapon — R v Taueki…

  10. R v Crimper [2018] NZDC 7362

    Propensity evidence — Mohamed v R [2011] NZSC 52 — M v R [2013] NZCA 239 — Evidence Act 2006, ss 40, 43. The defendant faced…