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Displaying 191 – 200 of 2744 results for " "

  1. Re An Application for a Recount of Electorate Votes in the Nelson Electorate [2023] NZDC 24815

    Application for vote recount — judicial recount — General Election 2023 — Electoral Act 1993, subs 180(5)(a) & (10). This was an application by the…

  2. Curtis v Attorney General [2023] NZDC 20539

    Application to disregard conviction — indecent assault — Clean Slate Act 2004, ss 7 & 10(4) — Crimes Act 1961, s 134(2)(a) — D v…

  3. Peeling v Gordon [2023] NZFC 2857

    Reserved judgment — appointment as additional guardian — cultural knowledge — strike out — Care of Children Act 2004, ss 4, 5, 6 & 27(2)(b)…

  4. Nisbett v Nisbett [2023] NZFC 6832

    Guardianship — vaccination — Care of Children Act 2004, ss 4, 5, 6, 15, 16 & 46R — Gillick v West Norfolk & Wisbeck Area…

  5. Auckland City Council v Luani [2022] NZDC 13466

    Sentencing — dog control — destruction of a dog — pet control — exceptional circumstances — Dog Control Act 1996, s 57(2)— Auckland City Council…

  6. New Zealand Police v Kirikiri [2022] NZDC 6131

    Remanded in custody — fitness to plead — assessment report — bail — Bail Act 2000, s 8 — Criminal Procedure (Mentally Impaired Persons) Act…

  7. R v Jamieson [2019] NZDC 15864

    Pretrial ruling — communication assistant — communication disability — oral questioning — Evidence Act 2006, ss 80 & 81 — R v Moeke and…

  8. WorkSafe New Zealand v Wealleans Bay of Plenty Ltd [2022] NZDC 9826

    Judge-alone trial — failing to ensure health and safety of other persons — failing to conduct appropriate risk assessment — failing to implement safe system…

  9. R v Bourne [2023] NZDC 4646

    Dismissal of charges — aggravated burglary — contempt by witness — Contempt of Court Act 2019 — Criminal Procedure Act 2011, s 147. The defendant was…

  10. Ministry for Primary Industries v Nohotima [2023] NZDC 18126

    Sentencing — contravening Fisheries Act for benefit — breaches of customary fishing permits — customary harvesting — falsified customary permits — illegal sales — crayfish…