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Displaying 2011 – 2020 of 2744 results for " "

  1. Nordon 3202 Ltd v Nair [2018] NZDC 17499

    Reserved judgment — appeal of Tenancy Tribunal — Residential Tenancies Act 1986, ss 4, 22B(2), 39, 85, 96(2), — Woollams v Simpson Auckland DC CIV-2005-004-1583…

  2. Naylor v Glyn W Jones Builders Limited [2018] NZDC 16240

    Reserved decision on costs — indemnity costs — application to stay proceedings — District Court Rules 2014, rr 14.2, 14.6(4),15.20 — Bradbury v Westpac Banking…

  3. Gardiner v Booker [2018] NZDC 10812

    Immigration appeal — claim of refugee status — warrant of commitment — Immigration Act 2009 ss 317 & 323. The respondent, Mr Booker, was…

  4. CM v PP [2018] NZDC 10331

    Unconscionable transaction — breach of fiduciary duty — unconscionable conduct — Nicholls v Jessup [1986] 1 NZLR 226 (CA) — Contractors Bonding Ltd v Snee…

  5. Franklin v Saleh [2018] NZDC 3756

    Application for transcript of case — non-party to proceedings — District Courts (Access to Court Documents) Rules 2017, rr 8, 11 — Harassment Act 1997…

  6. Hyndman v Anderson [2018] NZDC 1360

    Defamation — summary judgment — Christchurch earthquake property sale — Capital and Counties Bank Limited v Henty [1882] 7 AC 741 — Young v…

  7. Gurnani v Gurnani [2017] NZFC 9986

    Application for return of children — denial of consent to relocation — return of child to foreign country — whether children should be returned —…

  8. George v Blomfield [2017] NZFC 7553

    Re-hearing of Family Protection claim — moral duty — division of estate — disclosure of documents — George v Blomfield [2016] NZFC 5637 — Williams…

  9. Karly v Karly [2017] NZFC 10030

    Hague Convention — application to return child — Australia — grave risk — child objection — purpose of Hague Convention — views of child —…

  10. Yeoman v Howles [2017] NZFC 5970

    Spousal maintenance — international order for maintenance — discharge of maintenance — liability to pay maintenance from redundancy payment — reasonable needs — duration of…