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Displaying 2041 – 2050 of 2744 results for " "

  1. In Re Houghten [2017] NZFC 2556

    Application to adopt — same-sex couple — definition of spouse — Adoption Act 1955 — Marriage (Definition of Marriage) Act 2013. The applicants, a same-sex…

  2. Arthur v Wood [2017] NZFC 1072

    Relationship Property — Farming — Property (Relationships) Act 1976, s 20D — Family Proceedings Act 1980 — Webb v Stenton (1983) 11 QBD 518 (CA)…

  3. Reynolds v Reynolds [2018] NZFC 7018

    Relocation — day-to-day care — contact arrangements — violence — Care of Children Act 2004, ss 4, 5, 6, 132 & 133 — Kacem v…

  4. Parker v Heath [2018] NZFC 1952

    Complex proceedings — temporary protection order — interim parenting order — alienation — relationship between parent and child — welfare and best interests of child…

  5. R v Kaiwai [2019] NZDC 679

    Sentencing — aggravated robbery — offending on bail — R v Mako [2000] 2 NZLR 170. The defendant appeared for sentencing on one charge of aggravated…

  6. Ratcliff v R [2018] NZDC 23029

    Vacating plea of guilty — possession of an airgun — Criminal Procedure Act 2011, s 115 — R v Merrilees [2009] NZCA 59 — R…

  7. R v Gibbons [2018] NZDC 7394

    Sentencing — drug offending — methamphetamine — threatening — R v Fatu [2006] 2 NZLR 72. The defendant appeared for sentencing on eight charges, including possession…

  8. R v Pauga [2018] NZDC 5398

    Sentencing — indecent act on person under 16 — sexual violation — attempted rape — R v AM [2010] NZCA 114 — three strikes warning. The…

  9. New Zealand Police v Thompson [2018] NZDC 5396

    Sentencing — injuring with intent to injure — Crimes Act 1961, s 189(2) — Nuku v R [2012] NZCA 584. The defendant appeared for sentencing…

  10. R v Ropiha [2018] NZDC 3188

    Application to change plea — Criminal Procedure Act 2011, s 115 — R v Clark 28 May 2002 CA 59/02. The defendant, Mr Ropiha, was…