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Displaying 211 – 220 of 2744 results for " "

  1. DP v JR [2023] NZFC 10396

    Recusal application — judicial impartiality — fairminded and fully informed observer — Protection of Personal and Property Rights Act 1988, s 55 — New Zealand…

  2. R v Royston [2023] NZDC 1033

    Pretrial — sexual conduct with a child under 12 — admissibility of evidence — interview transcript — relevance — Evidence Act 2006, ss 7, 37…

  3. R v Gardner [2021] NZDC 7847

    Sentencing — transfer from Youth Court to District Court for sentencing — impeding breathing — unlawful sexual connection with a young person — assault on…

  4. Commerce Commission v Mega Import and Export Ltd [2018] NZDC 2355

    Sentencing — supplying defective and unsafe toys — choking risk — Fair Trading Act 1986, ss 29, 30 & 40 — Fair Trading Amendment Act…

  5. Roberts v Cresswell [2021] NZFC 12991

    Reserved judgment — orders for return — intolerable situation — Care of Children Act 2004, ss 105, 106 & 133 — Convention on the Civil…

  6. Lindsay v Lamb [2023] NZFC 8072

    Relationship property — jurisdiction — de facto relationship — occupation order — tenancy order — ancillary furniture order — reserved decision — Law Commission Review…

  7. New Zealand Police v Harmon [2023] NZDC 4453

    Reasons — judge-alone trial — intentionally failing to comply with orders — public gathering — Covid-19 — global pandemic — identification of defendant — dismissal…

  8. Civil Aviation Authority v Foster [2021] NZDC 6433

    Sentencing — conduct below the standard of a reasonable and prudent pilot — unsuitable landing spots — Civil Aviation Act 1990 — Civil Aviation Rules…

  9. R v Vowles [2021] NZDC 8245

    Sentencing — wilfully attempting to pervert the course of justice — false police complaint — no guiding tariff. The defendant appeared for sentence on a charge…

  10. Kruize v Kruize [2022] NZFC 4893

    Relationship property proceedings — application to replace trustees — Property (Relationships) Act 1976, s 33(3)(m) — Trusts Act 2019, ss 38, 114 & 141 —…