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Displaying 2151 – 2160 of 2744 results for " "

  1. New Zealand Police v Jackson [2018] NZDC 3466

    Criminal Procedure (Mentally Impaired Persons) Act 2003, s 20 — Crimes Act 1961, s 23 — insanity defence. The defendant appeared before the Court charged…

  2. R v Radclyffe [2018] NZDC 515

    Wounding with intent to injure — sexual violation by unlawful sexual connection — two separate victims — band one offending. The defendant faced sentencing for…

  3. R v Le Roux [2018] NZDC 26177

    Sentencing - Dangerous driving - causing death - Sentencing Act 2002. The defendant appeared for sentencing having pleaded guilty to a charge of dangerous driving causing…

  4. New Zealand Police v Ngaio [2018] NZDC 3287

    Sentencing — no guiding tariff — contravening protection order — escaping custody — Palmer v Police — Mitchell v R — Crean v Police. The…

  5. R v Chapman [2018] NZDC 3109

    Sentencing — theft by person in a special relationship — dishonest use of a document. The defendant appeared for sentencing relating to five charges,…

  6. WorkSafe New Zealand Ltd v Thompson [2018] NZDC 3295

    Oral Judgment on application for costs — Defendant unable to pay costs — Costs in Criminal Cases Act 1967, s 4(1) — residual discretion in…

  7. R v Gibbs [2018] NZDC 3332

    Sentencing — historic sexual abuse — male teacher indecently assaults male student — R v Megchelse [2013] NZHC 251 — R v Buchanan [2016]…

  8. R v Henman [2018] NZDC 3336

    Sentencing — supplying methamphetamine — Conspiracy to supply methamphetamine — change of facts since sentencing indication. The defendant appeared for sentencing in relation to two…

  9. R v Caldwell [2018] NZDC 4738

    Male rapes female — indecent act — unlawful sexual connection — sexual assault — sentencing. The defendant pleaded guilty, halfway through the complainant's evidence-in-chief, to…

  10. R v McGregor [2018] NZDC 8185

    Sentencing — suppression — three strikes — R v AM (CA27/2009) [2010] NZCA 114, [2010] 2 NZLR 750 — Criminal Procedure Act 2011, ss 203…