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Displaying 2221 – 2230 of 2744 results for " "

  1. R v Stickings [2018] NZDC 1118

    Exploitative sexual connection with a person with significant impairment — sentencing — R v McNally CA441/92. The defendant was sentenced having been found guilty of…

  2. R v Hammond [2018] NZDC 1234

    Unlawful possession of firearm — unlawful possession of ammunition — possession of cannabis for supply — possession of Class B drugs for supply — possession…

  3. New Zealand Police v Balajadia [2018] NZDC 2173

    Exploitation of a temporary worker — provide false or misleading information — misleading Immigration New Zealand — sentencing — Minimum Wages Act 1983 — …

  4. Accident Compensation Corporation v Kenny [2018] NZDC 1975

    Dishonest use of a document — ACC forms — prosecution by ACC — sentencing. The defendant appeared for sentencing on one representative charge of dishonest…

  5. New Zealand Police v Paterson [2018] NZDC 296

    Pre-trial application — admissibility of evidence — hearsay — availability of witness — terminally unwell complainant — admissibility of statement — lack of written application…

  6. R v Mataa [2018] NZDC 290

    Wounding with intent to cause grievous bodily harm — excessive self defence sentencing — R v Taueki [2005] 3 NZLR 372 (CA). The defendant…

  7. R v Hamuera [2018] NZDC 264

    Aggravated robbery — assault — male assaults female — domestic violence — protection order sought — sentencing — sentencing indication — no release conditions. The…

  8. New Zealand Police v AD [2017] NZYC 351

    Application for conviction and transfer to High Court — jurisdiction to transfer — attempted murder — charge not denied — Children Young Persons and Their…

  9. R v EP [2017] NZYC 756

    Aggravated robbery — sentencing — whether case should be transferred to the District Court for sentencing — jurisdiction. The young person appeared for sentencing in…

  10. R v Hall [2018] NZDC 1031

    Domestic violence — injuring with intent to cause grievous bodily harm — kidnap — threatening to kill — injuring with intent to injure — male…