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Displaying 2291 – 2300 of 2744 results for " "

  1. Re DM [2017] NZFC 6782

    Application to settle property on a trust — whether in welfare and best interests of subject person — severely disabled subject person — Protection of…

  2. Bay of Plenty District Health Board v Abernathy [2017] NZFC 6586

    Application to revoke leave — whether leave was granted ultra vires — whether court has jurisdiction to revoke leave — whether respondent used alcohol in…

  3. Re DF [2017] NZFC 7531

    Application to authorise property manager to execute a will on behalf of subject person — uncontested application — exclusion of sibling from will — Protection…

  4. Townsend v Dickinson [2017] NZFC 7307

    Application for costs — indemnity costs — Family Court Rules 2002, r 207 — Care of Children Act 2004 — District Court Rules 2014,…

  5. White v Portillo [2017] NZFC 7294

    Application to discharge temporary protection order — application for final parenting order — domestic violence — violence by women. The court was asked to determine…

  6. Commerce Commission v Manufacturers-Marketing Ltd [2018] NZDC 7913

    Failure of toy to comply with safety standards — small parts — sentencing — ability of defendant to pay a fine — limited financial means…

  7. In Re Cunningham [2017] NZFC 2236

    Application to inspect court records — adoption — Adoption Act 1995, s 23. The applicant asked to inspect court records relating to a person that…

  8. Elizabeth Yates v Grace Hudson [2017] NZFC 474

    Application on behalf of minor — appointment of representative of minor — application for protection order against wishes of child — Family Court Rules…

  9. Craig v Stiekema [2017] NZDC 19431

    Costs — indemnity costs — costs incurred in both District Court and High Court. The plaintiff's defamation claim was struck out by the court in…

  10. Department of Immigration v Lu [2017] NZDC 18283

    Application for warrant of commitment — deportation — unlawfully in New Zealand — Immigration Act, ss 316 & 317. A warrant of commitment under s 361…