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Displaying 2301 – 2310 of 2744 results for " "

  1. English v Stewart [2017] NZDC 18318

    Vehicle ownership — bonafide purchaser for value without notice — possession — Police Act 2008, s 40 — Sale of Goods Act 1908, s…

  2. Marshall v Trade in Clearance Ltd [2017] NZDC 18174

    Appeal — Motor Vehicle Disputes Tribunal — Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 — Motor Vehicles Sales Act 2003. Appeal against a decision of the Motor Vehicle…

  3. Auckland Council v Liaw [2017] NZDC 13532

    Reserved judgment — Appeal from the determination of the Chief Executive of the Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment — prefabrication — multi-proof — Building…

  4. Withers v Chandler [2017] NZDC 12436

    Reserved decision — judgment should be set aside — District Court Rules 2014. Mr and Mrs Withers engaged Mr Chandler to undertake building work. Mr…

  5. Allen v Wade [2017] NZFC 5189

    Dispute between guardians — removal of child from New Zealand — alienation — abduction — breach of Court order — misleading the Court and…

  6. R v Singh [2018] NZDC 293

    Sentencing — indecent assault — multiple victims — vulnerability of victims — serious indecent assault — breach of trust —…

  7. Atkins v Till [2017] NZDC 18635

    Summary judgment — defamation — qualified privilege — whether defence of qualified privilege lost through malice — District Court Rules, r 12.2(2) — Defamation Act…

  8. Asset International Ltd v Bodyneat Panel & Paint Ltd [2017] NZDC 10436

    Reserved judgment — breach of bailment — stolen car — loss of value — scope of duty — duty to take care — negligence —…

  9. R v McCarthy [2018] NZDC 2474

    Application for discharge — escaping lawful custody — whether custody was lawful — whether defendant was lawfully arrested — failure to provide correct details —…

  10. New Zealand Police v Carter [2018] NZDC 2034

    Intentionally making an intimate visual recording — possession of an objectionable publication — indecent assault — sentencing — whether defendant should be placed on the…