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Displaying 2311 – 2320 of 2744 results for " "

  1. New Zealand Police v SD [2018] NZYC 169

    Youth Court — transfer to District Court for sentencing — Oranga Tamariki Act 1989 — United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child Article…

  2. Nikau v Tatchell [2018] NZFC 1239

    Day-to-day care — effect of court findings that no abuse occurred on Oranga Tamariki records — matua whāngai — meaning of parent under COCA, s…

  3. R v Whiu [2018] NZDC 611

    Sexual violation by unlawful sexual connection — attempted sexual violation by rape — attempted sexual violation by unlawful sexual connection — indecent assault — sexual…

  4. Ministry of Health v Philip Morris (New Zealand) Ltd [2018] NZDC 4478

    Selling a tobacco product labelled or otherwise described as suitable for chewing or other oral use — definition of tobacco product — IQOS — meaning…

  5. Ministry of Health v Morris [2018] NZDC 4047

    Pre-rial ruling — application to amend CRN number details — application to amend dates — limitation period — Criminal Procedure Act 2011, s 133 —…

  6. Ministry of Health v Phillip Morris (New Zealand) Ltd [2018] NZDC 4126

    Pre-trial application for admissibility hearing — Criminal Procedure Act 2011, s 78. The prosecutor sought an admissibility hearing concerning a brief evidence by a scientist who…

  7. Gerald Graham v Christine Woods [2017] NZDC 13184

    Reserved judgment — right of way — contempt — easement — property — Hinde McMorland & Sim Land Law in New Zealand. The defendant owns…

  8. PowerCo Limited v Vesty [2017] NZDC 21717

    Statement of claim — costs — damage to transformer power pole — negligence — District Courts Act 1947, s 62B. The plaintiff sought to recover…

  9. Auckland Budget Campervan Ltd v Steckler [2017] NZDC 21832

    Appeal — Motor Vehicle Disputes Tribunal — Motor Vehicle Sales Act 2003. A decision of the Motor Vehicle Disputes Tribunal was given whereby the trader…

  10. Weber v Richmond Law [2017] NZDC 21977

    Breach of fiduciary duty — misleading or deceptive conduct — chattels — leasehold — trusts — Fair Trading Act 1986. The plaintiffs were claiming damages…