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Displaying 2351 – 2360 of 2744 results for " "

  1. Parker v Parker [2017] NZFC 1959

    Application to recall or rescind judgment — lack of jurisdiction — Family Court Rules 2002, r 344. The respondent applied for a recall of a judgment…

  2. May v Joyce [2017] NZFC 2038

    Reserved judgment — contempt — admonishment — Care of Children Act 2004, s 68— District Courts Act 1947, s41 — District Court Rules 2014, r…

  3. Lyon v Wilson [2017] NZFC 1908

    Reserved judgment — relocation — best interests of child — Care of Children Act 2004. The mother wished to relocate from Auckland to the Waikato…

  4. Buley v Belova [2017] NZFC 1630

    Reserved judgment — Child Support Act 1991, ss 103B, 103D & 105 — DSJT v MAFR (FC), North Shore, 4 December 2007. This was an…

  5. Blake v Shaw [2017] NZFC 1773

    Application for leave to make out of time application — Property (Relationships) Act 1976, s 24 — Beuker v Beuker [1977] 1 MPC page 20…

  6. GL v BL [2017] NZFC 8441

    Oral judgment —application to place children under wardship of the court — safety of children — best interests of child — psychological abuse — resistance…

  7. Claims Resolution Services Ltd v O'Hara-Safanov [2017] NZDC 11513

    Contract — Litigation finding — whether misrepresentation — self represented litigant — costs. The defendant received funding for litigation against her insurance company. The dispute…

  8. Kruger v Winkel [2017] NZFC 6923

    Reserved judgment — application for an order for the return of a child — abduction — international abduction — whether child is settled — deportation…

  9. In Re Rahal [2017] NZFC 2152

    Application for adoption — refugees — Iraq — Adoption Act 1955. The applicants sought to adopt the 17 year old brother of the first applicant…

  10. Ministry for Vulnerable Children v C [2017] NZFC 4052

    Application to appoint additional guardians — application to appoint special guardians — Children Young Persons and their Families Act 1989, ss 110 and 113A. An application…