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Displaying 2451 – 2460 of 2744 results for " "

  1. Ricky Cave v New Zealand Police [2016] NZDC 10150

    Application for limited licence — Land Transport Act 1998, ss 103–105. The applicant had been suspended from driving for three months and sought a limited…

  2. Ian Comer v Linda Abbott [2016] NZDC 4995

    Summary judgment declined — District Court Rules, r 12.2(1) — whether the decision of a Standards Committee is binding on the Court. Summary judgment was…

  3. New Zealand Police v TQ [2016] NZYC 548

    Whether an arrest on a young person was lawful — whether officers acting in execution of duty — Children, Young Persons, and Their Families Act…

  4. R v JN [2016] NZYC 504

    Whether young person should be sentenced in the Youth or District Court — application for transfer to District Court — wounding with intent to cause…

  5. Te Korowai-Whariki v Arnold Heywood [2016] NZFC 7935

    Extension of care order — Intellectual Disability (Compulsory Care and Rehabilitation) Act 2003 — RIDCA Central v VM 2012 NZFLR 216 (CA). A care order…

  6. Vernon Shaws v Tiffany Reed [2016] NZFC 7925

    Division of relationship property — satisfaction of personal debt — dissipation of relationship property after separation — Property (Relationships) Act 1976, ss 18C, 20 and…

  7. Peter Lochhead v Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment [2016] NZDC 21288

    Appeal from decision of Building Practitioners Board — Building Act 2004. The appeal was allowed regarding penalty as it was found that the Board had…

  8. Commissioner of Inland Revenue v Ronald Wilson [2016] NZDC 20012

    Application to set aside judgment — District Courts Rules 2014, r 15.10 — Tax Administration Act 1994, s 6 — TRA No 95/086 (1996) 17…

  9. Lucky Plaza Limited v Geoffrey Lambert [2016] NZDC 17432

    Application to set aside summary judgment — District Courts Rules 2014, r 12.14 — Fair Trading Act 1993, ss 9 and 43. The Judge considered…

  10. KS New Zealand Discount House Limited v Spiceberg Limited [2016] NZDC 11552

    Contractual dispute — setoffs to amount owed. After purchasing the tangible assets of a business from the plaintiff, the defendant claimed setoffs for particular items.…