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Displaying 281 – 290 of 2744 results for " "

  1. Pryor v Everett [2022] NZFC 4568

    Guardianship — vaccination — COVID-19 — Care of Children Act 2004, ss 5, 6 & 46R — Townsend v Poole [2022] NZFC 2773 — Oranga…

  2. Blair v Blair [2022] NZFC 4030

    Guardianship — family violence — alienation — resist/refuse — justified estrangement — Care of Children Act 2004, ss 4, 5, 6 & 133 — Family…

  3. Cann v Farley [2020] NZFC 2610

    Contact arrangements — COVID-19 — Level four lockdown — global pandemic — coronavirus — family bubble — risk of infection — welfare and best interests of…

  4. Re Maynard Lowe [2022] NZFC 1257

    Adoption application — final adoption — surrogacy — Adoption Act 1955 — Status of Children Act 1969. This was an application for the final adoption…

  5. New Zealand Police v JL [2021] NZYC 502

    Pretrial ruling — propensity evidence — aggravated robbery — physical proximity — Crimes Act 1961, ss 235 & 282 — Evidence Act 2006, ss 40…

  6. Fleury v Fleury [2021] NZFC 9116

    Relationship property — division of property — trusts — Property (Relationship) Act 1976, ss 15, 20, 33(3)(m), 37, 44C & 182 — Family Proceedings…

  7. Fleury v Fleury [2022] NZFC 1208

    Relationship property proceedings — costs — Property (Relationships) Act 1976, ss 1N, 9, 11B, 15, 18B, 21A, 33, 40 & 44C — Family Court Rules…

  8. Hall v Hall [2023] NZFC 10573

    Reserved judgment — tikanga — mana ōrite — moral duty — disentitling conduct — whakawhanaungatanga — Family Protection Act 1955, ss 4 & 5 —…

  9. Swinburne v Stearne [2020] NZFC 4224

    Reserved judgment — care and contact — sexual abuse allegations — Care of Children Act 2004, ss 4, 5, 6, 46R, 48, 132 & 133…

  10. Canaday v Medical Council of New Zealand [2022] NZDC 4436

    Appeal against suspension — suspension of medical practising certificate — Covid-19 pandemic — vaccination — anti-vax movement — freedom of expression — Voluntary Undertaking —…