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Displaying 2891 – 2900 of 2960 results for " "

  1. New Zealand Police v E M [2016] NZYC 149

    Bail application — youth court — care and protection proceedings. Bail was granted for a young person to reside with their great aunt and uncle,…

  2. New Zealand Police v TC [2016] NZYC 142

    Serious offending — bail — Bail Act 2000. A bail application was declined for a young person facing a number of charges, including aggravated robbery.…

  3. Halle Michaud v Grier Michaud [2016] NZFC 2488

    Variation of final parenting order — dispute between guardians — discharge of order preventing removal — Care of Children Act 2004, ss 4, 5, 6,…

  4. The Chief Executive of the Ministry v S T [2016] NZFC 2473

    Declaration child in need of care or protection — Children, Young Persons, and Their Families Act 1989 — custody order. A declaration was made stating…

  5. Re Bruce Hawkey [2016] NZFC 2442

    Paternity order — Family Proceedings Act 1980, ss 47, 49 — declaration as to paternity — Status of Children Act 1969, s 10 — Family…

  6. National Intellectual Disability Care Agency v Joleen Lewis [2016] NZFC 2441

    Compulsory secure care order — Intellectual Disability (Compulsory Care and Rehabilitation) Act 2003, s 85 — Criminal Procedure (Mentally Impaired Persons) Act 2003, s 25(1)(b)…


    Contact when parent in prison — final parenting order — Care of Children Act 2004. The Judge made a final parenting order for the child…

  8. Monica Hardy v Gemma Zowick [2016] NZFC 2386

    Parenting order - day-to-day-care - Care of Children Act 2004, ss 4, 5, 49C. Final parenting orders were made in respect of all three of…

  9. Chief Executive of the Ministry of Social Development v KJ [2016] NZFC 2385

    Late filing — custody order — Children, Young Persons, and Their Families Act 1989, s 101 — parenting orders — Care of Children Act 2004.…

  10. Lizzie Jacobs v Rana Tame [2016] NZFC 2376

    Parenting order — Care of Children Act 2004. A parenting order was made placing the child in the day-to-day care of the applicant. The Judge…