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Displaying 291 – 300 of 2744 results for " "

  1. New Zealand Police v Turner-Critchley [2023] NZDC 12525

    Sentencing — doing a dangerous act — rioting — lighting fires — attacks on police — COVID-19 — global pandemic — Crimes Act 1961, ss…

  2. New Zealand Police v WR [2021] NZYC 184

    Reserved judgment — sexual violation by unlawful sexual connection — indecent assault — dismissal of charges — undue delay — Oranga Tamariki Act 1989, ss…

  3. New Zealand Police v HT [2021] NZYC 427

    Admissibility of evidence — evidential interview — promise to tell truth — amendment of charging document — doing an indecent act on a child under…

  4. New Zealand Police v JB [2023] NZYC 110

    Reserved decision — threatening to cause GBH — wounding with intent — application to dismiss charges — declaration of non-compliance — unnecessary or undue delay…

  5. R v West [2023] NZDC 12218

    Sentencing — rape — unlawful sexual connection — indecently assaulting a person under 12 years — indecently assaulting a girl aged between 12 and 16…

  6. McKay v KMS Dairy Ltd [2023] NZDC 4472

    Appeal from Tribunal — Tenancy Tribunal — “service tenancy” — “premises” — “residential premises” — Tribunal jurisdiction — Residential Tenancies Act 1986, ss 2, 5…

  7. Dooley v Cleine [2023] NZDC 6058

    Pretrial ruling — non-party discovery — confidentiality — Defamation Act 1992 — Privacy Act 2020, ss 53(b)(i) & 53(c)(i) — District Court Act 2016, s…

  8. Rawstorne v Westside Management Ltd [2021] NZDC 14114

    Reserved decision — appeal from Tribunal — Tenancy Tribunal — unlawful discrimination — pregnancy — exemplary damages — Human Rights Act 1993 — Residential Tenancies…

  9. Ives v Ives [2023] NZDC 4693

    Without-notice application — cease and refrain — "serious emotional distress" — Harmful Digital Communications Act 2015, ss 4, 6(1), 12(1), 12(2), 18(2) & 19 —…

  10. Harding v Caroto [2023] NZDC 5981

    Reserved judgment — appeal from Tribunal — Tenancy Tribunal — jurisdiction — unlawful premises — unlawful occupant — unlawful entry — bond repayment — “household…