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Displaying 311 – 320 of 2744 results for " "

  1. Khalah v Director of Land Transport [2023] NZDC 5097

    Reserved decision — driver’s licence — passenger endorsement — revocation of endorsement — fit and proper person — undue influence — unreasonableness — Criminal Procedure…

  2. Gibbs v Gibbs [2022] NZFC 4325

    Guardianship — day-to-day care and contact — COVID-19 — global pandemic — testing — method of testing — "treatment" — “routine” — Care of Children…

  3. Chief Executive of Oranga Tamariki v EA [2021] NZFC 1911

    Access order — permanent placement with access issues — custody order — additional guardianship order — United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child,…

  4. Hartley v Elwood [2021] NZFC 5816

    Property relationship — trusts — de facto relationship — third party discovery — evidence — reserved judgement — Property (Relationships) Act 1976 — Family Proceedings…

  5. Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment v Le Roy [2022] NZDC 15505

    Sentencing — non payment of PAYE and associated taxes — carrying on a business while bankrupt — wilfully misleading the Official Assignee — using forged…

  6. WorkSafe New Zealand v Southern Pallet Recycling Ltd [2022] NZDC 13609

    Sentencing — failing to ensure health and safety of workers — Health and Safety and Work Act 2015, ss 36(1)(a), 48(1), 48(2)(c), 151 & 152-158…

  7. Commissioner of Inland Revenue v Cree [2019] NZDC 14175

    Sentencing — pecuniary advantage — tax returns — tax — dishonesty — R v Varjan CA97/03, 26 June 2003 — Zaheed v R [2010] NZCA…

  8. Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment v Le Roy [2022] NZDC 12855

    Judge-alone trial — forgery — using false documents — forged signatures — Crimes Act 1961, s 255 — Evidence Act 2006. The defendant faced five charges…

  9. Southland Regional Council v Clark [2022] NZDC 13735

    Sentencing — failing to comply with a notice of direction — failing to comply with Plan — marine pest — Biosecurity Act 1993 — Fiordland…

  10. New Zealand Police v Steedman [2022] NZDC 21075

    Sentencing — discharge without conviction — intentionally failing to comply with COVID restrictions — freedom of assembly — freedom of speech — New Zealand Bill…