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Displaying 371 – 380 of 2744 results for " "

  1. R v Graham [2022] NZDC 10237

    Sentencing — possession of objectionable publications — distribution of objectionable publications — child pornography — encouraging others to offend — Department of Internal Affairs v…

  2. New Zealand Police v Roberts [2022] NZDC 9964

    Sentencing — burglary — attempted burglary — car theft — ram raids — R v Makimae [2017] NZDC 10429 — R v Crombie CRI-2011-092-019593, 4…

  3. Thorpe v Green [2021] NZFC 12262

    Costs — increased costs and indemnity costs — declaration of paternity — Family Proceedings Act 1980, s 171 — Care of Children Act 2004 —…

  4. Rice v Cartwright [2021] NZFC 11153

    Guardianship — variation of parenting order — relocation — COVID-19 pandemic — Care of Children Act 2004, ss 4, 5, 6 & 56 — Kacem…

  5. Ahuja v Robertson [2022] NZFC 803

    Guardianship — day-to-day care of child — contact between parents and child — family violence — safety of child — Care of Children Act 2002,…

  6. Alden v Levitt [2022] NZFC 3580

    De facto relationships — property — separation — Care of Children Act 2004 — Property (Relationships) Act 1976 — Levitt v Alden [2017] NZFC 7234.…

  7. Foster v Ruscoe [2022] NZFC 4024

    Guardianship — change of child's name — welfare and best interests of child — Care of Children Act 2004, ss 4 & 5 — HPV…

  8. Re Malaitai [2021] NZFC 2966

    Application for adoption — final adoption — special circumstances — COVID-19 — Tongan adoption law — Adoption Act 1955, ss 10 & 11. The applicants applied…

  9. Lin v Chao [2021] NZFC 3847

    Spousal maintenance — order for interim maintenance — vary or suspend maintenance — reasonable needs — change of circumstances — full disclosure — unfettered discretion…

  10. New Zealand Police v Bealey [2020] NZDC 11617

    Pretrial application — careless driving causing injury — application to dismiss charge — abuse of process — prejudice to defendant — Criminal Procedure Act 2011,…