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Displaying 51 – 60 of 2732 results for " "

  1. Gupta v Prakash [2023] NZFC 2391

    Reserved judgment — application for orders — relationship property — extraordinary circumstances — exception to equal sharing — occupation rent — Property (Relationships) Act 1976,…

  2. Tarr v Rogers [2023] NZFC 8215

    Status of children — children of out wedlock — paternity declaration — Status of Children Act 1969, ss 2A, 3, 4, 6, 6C & 10…

  3. Re Thornton [2024] NZFC 3670

    Adoption application — surrogacy — egg donor — welfare and best interests of child — access to information — privacy — Adoption Act 1955, ss…

  4. R v Thompson [2023] NZDC 21157

    Sentencing — threatening to kill — assault with intent to injure — wounding with intent to injure — R v Nuku CA287/04, 21 October 2004…

  5. New Zealand Police v Gordon [2023] NZDC 12935

    Reserved judgment — review of reparation orders — Sentencing Act 2002, ss 14 & 38A — Summary Proceedings Act 1957, ss 80, 81 & 86…

  6. Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment v Singh [2023] NZDC 20700

    Sentencing — immigration — providing false or misleading information — improper dealing with immigration or identity documents — Immigration Act 2009, ss 342(1)(b) & 345(1)(b).…

  7. New Zealand Police v Anaru [2023] NZDC 12838

    Judge-alone trial — intentionally damaging a building — claim of right — Summary Offences Act 1981, s 11(1)(a). The defendant faced a charge of intentionally damaging…

  8. R v Harvey [2023] NZDC 12792

    Sentencing — reckless driving causing death — burglary — intimidation. The defendant appeared for sentence on charges of reckless driving causing death, burglary and intimidation. There…

  9. R v Thompson [2023] NZDC 11062

    Pretrial — admissibility of evidence — propensity evidence — Evidence Act 2006 ss 40, 41, 42, 43 — Hetherington v R [2012] NZCA 88. The defendant…

  10. Evans v Evans [2023] NZFC 10351

    Parenting order — day-to-day care — alcoholism — psychological abuse — Care of Children Act 2004, ss 4, 5, 6, 46R &133 — Evidence Act…