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Displaying 701 – 710 of 2744 results for " "

  1. WorkSafe New Zealand v Talleys Group Ltd [2020] NZDC 17848

    Sentencing — failing to ensure safety of employees — exposing employees to hazards — spinal injury — emotional harm reparation — Department of Labour, Safety…

  2. WorkSafe New Zealand v Higgins Contractors Ltd [2020] NZDC 17036

    Sentencing — failing to ensure health and safety of workers — exposing individuals to risk of harm or illness — traffic management — fatal collision…

  3. R v Davis [2020] NZDC 21982

    Sentencing — injuring with intent to injure — shooting — air rifle — Nuku v R [2012] NZCA 584, [2013] 2 NZLR 39 — R…

  4. R v Christie [2020] NZDC 19898

    Sentencing — supplying the Class A drug methamphetamine — supplying the Class A controlled drug cocaine — unlawful possession of a firearm — receiving stolen…

  5. R v Hill [2020] NZDC 19895

    Sentencing — arson — burglary — being unlawfully in a building — art theft — Sentencing Act 2002, ss 27 & 38 — Meha v…

  6. R v Tamai [2020] NZDC 11360

    Sentencing — offering to supply methamphetamine — possession of methamphetamine for supply — unlawful possession of firearms — Zhang v R [2019] NZCA 507 —…

  7. Ministry for Primary Industries v Henson [2020] NZDC 23601

    Sentencing — reckless ill-treatment of animals — failing to meet treatment needs of animals — flystrike — Animal Welfare Act 1999, ss 12, 28A &…

  8. New Zealand Police v Anderson [2020] NZDC 22167

    Sentencing — posting a digital communication with the intention of causing somebody harm — threatening to kill — breach of intensive supervision — failing to…

  9. New Zealand Police v Tetomo [2020] NZDC 21076

    Sentencing — burglary — receiving — demands to steal — unlawfully taking a motor vehicle — breach of community work — breach of release conditions…

  10. New Zealand Police v Ransom [2020] NZDC 16853

    Judge-alone trial — ill treating an animal — causing unnecessary pain or distress — animal cruelty — strict liability offence — Animal Welfare Act 1999,…