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Displaying 761 – 770 of 2744 results for " "

  1. Johns v Lord [2021] NZFC 4522

    Costs — category 2B basis — Family Protection Act 1955 — Legal Services Act 2011, s 45 — District Court Rules 2014, r 14.6. The widow…

  2. Johns v Lord [2020] NZFC 8974

    Application for provision from estate — clawback of assets — duty of executor and trustees — self dealing — fiduciary obligation — Family Protection Act…

  3. Acme Realty Co v Hogg [2021] NZDC 3231

    Tenancy Tribunal appeal — methamphetamine contamination — Residential Tenancies Act 1986, s 40(2)(b) — New Zealand Standard 8510:2017 — Full Circle Real Estate Ltd…

  4. Ministry for Primary Industries v Luke [2020] NZDC 1306

    Admissibility of evidence — whether evidence obtained unfairly — camera footage — vigilantism — invasion of privacy — animal cruelty — failing to meet health and…

  5. New Zealand Police v Payne [2020] NZDC 17815

    Sentencing — discharge without conviction — indecent assault — whakama — Sentencing Act 2002, ss 106 & 107 — Mathieson v R [2019] NZCA 406. The…

  6. R v Huang [2020] NZDC 10304

    Oral judgment — excess breath alcohol — evidential breath test — admissibility of evidence — dismissal of charge — Land Transport Act 1998, ss…

  7. Pitman House v EH [2020] NZFC 10063

    Application for compulsory treatment — substance addiction — alcohol — brain injury — Substance Addiction (Compulsory Assessment and Treatment) Act 2017, ss 4, 7, 8 &…

  8. Northland District Health Board v JB [2021] NZFC 3072

    Compulsory treatment order — substance addiction — alcohol use disorder — unopposed application — Substance Addiction (Compulsory Assessment and Treatment) Act 2017, ss 7, 8,…

  9. Barron v Cleveland [2021] NZFC 5169

    Admissibility of evidence — therapist report — alleged sexual conduct — Evidence Act 2006, ss 5, 7, 8, 52 & 69 — Family Court Act…

  10. Re Chauvin-Baker [2021] NZFC 11710

    Adoption — final order — surrogacy agreement — IVF — fit and proper persons — Adoption Act 1955, s 10 — Adoption (Intercountry) Act 1997…