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Displaying 841 – 850 of 2744 results for " "

  1. R v VK [2020] NZYC 329

    Youth offending — burglary — sexual offending — strangulation — threatening to kill — common assault — transfer to District Court — Oranga Tamariki Act 1989,…

  2. New Zealand Police v LB [2020] NZYC 318

    Application to dismiss charge — undue delay — sexual violation by rape — Oranga Tamariki Act 1989, ss 4, 5 & 322 — Attorney General…

  3. R v GL [2020] NZYC 636

    Sentencing — application to transfer to District Court — aggravated robbery — supervision — residence — mentoring — Oranga Tamariki Act 1989, ss 4, 4A,…

  4. R v SR [2020] NZYC 602

    Pretrial — whether to transfer to District Court — sexual violation — age of young person — time of alleged offending — jurisdiction of Youth…

  5. New Zealand Police v GW [2020] NZYC 629

    Admissibility of evidence — fingerprint evidence — burglary — nominated person — failure to discharge duty to young person — Crimes Act 1961, s 231(1)(a)…

  6. FG v OL [2019] NZFC 9088

    Application for discharge of orders — doctrine of issue estoppel — concessions of domestic abuse — children in need of care and protection — family…

  7. Waters v Swanson [2020] NZFC 8875

    Application for leave — variation of parenting order — substantially similar proceedings — material change in circumstances — PTSD — costs of travel — Care…

  8. Preston v Commissioner of Inland Revenue [2021] NZFC 3158

    Child support appeal — appeal out of time — notice of objection — Child Support Act 1991, ss 14, 15, 77, 93, 102, 103A, 103…

  9. Inland Revenue Department v Gogna [2020] NZDC 18445

    Sentencing — aiding tax evasion — knowingly providing false tax returns — GST — no sentencing tariff — economic impact of COVID-19. The defendant appeared for…

  10. R v Petera [2020] NZDC 16911

    Sentencing — wounding with intent to cause grievously bodily harm — assault on a person in a family relationship — theft — speaking threateningly —…