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Displaying 91 – 100 of 2732 results for " "

  1. New Zealand Police v Marshall [2023] NZDC 5516

    Judge alone trial — assault — excess of force — Criminal Procedure Act 2011, ss 105 & 106 — Crimes Act 1961, ss 2, 39,…

  2. R v Stevens [2021] NZDC 12780

    Oral judgment — resisting arrest — beyond reasonable doubt — acquittal. The defendant faced one charge of resisting arrest by a police officer. The defendant had…

  3. Martin v Craddock [2023] NZFC 7758

    Testamentary promise — work and service — nexus between service and promise — failure to make promised provision — Law Reform (Testamentary Promises) Act 1949…

  4. New Zealand Police v UA [2022] NZYC 146

    Disposition of charges — burglary — theft — theft ex car — unlawfully taking a motor vehicle — unlawfully using a motor vehicle — duty…

  5. Maiava v Lyndon [2023] NZFC 3367

    Relocation — parenting orders — care arrangements — admonishment — Care of Children Act 2004, ss 4, 5, 68 & 71 — RTM v…

  6. Howell v Howell [2019] NZFC 6881

    Relationship property proceedings — proceeds of sale — foreign immovables — economic disparity — post-separation contributions — compensation — variation of maintenance order — Property…

  7. Vile v Lerner [2022] NZFC 9770

    Child support — jurisdiction — discharge registration order — maintenance — Family Proceedings Act 1980. This was an application to discharge a registration order for the…

  8. Hamblin v Magrath [2023] NZFC 7668

    Application for protection order — family violence — "child of the applicant’s family" — Family Violence Act 2018, ss 9, 62, 79, 86 & 89…

  9. Westbrook v Mills [2023] NZFC 8462

    Reserved judgment — parenting orders — care arrangements — psychological abuse — physical abuse — alcohol — Care of Children Act 2004 ss 4, 5(a),…

  10. R v AN [2021] NZYC 491

    Criminal disclosure — application for access to court documents — “criminal proceedings” — fair-trial rights — Criminal Disclosure Act 2008, ss 13(2), 13(5) & 16…