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Displaying 51 – 60 of 62 results for " "

  1. Nikau v Tatchell [2018] NZFC 1239

    Day-to-day care — effect of court findings that no abuse occurred on Oranga Tamariki records — matua whāngai — meaning of parent under COCA, s…

  2. New Zealand Police v Elliott [2018] NZDC 5306

    Wounding with reckless disregard — assault with a weapon — male assaults female — breach of intensive supervision — sentencing. The defendant was sentenced on…

  3. Civil Aviation Authority v The Helicopter Line Ltd [2018] NZDC 3559

    Failure to take all practicable steps to ensure the safety of an employee while at work — failure to take all practicable steps to ensure…

  4. Porter v Wilkens [2017] NZFC 9550

    Whether party can apply for protection order when not the victim of domestic violence — whether parent has standing to apply for protection order —…

  5. Inglis v Parry [2017] NZDC 26365

    Appeal from Tenancy Tribunal — whether property constituted residential premises — tenanted premises not consented or permitted at the time of tenancy — whether Certificate…

  6. Kruger v Winkel [2017] NZFC 6923

    Reserved judgment — application for an order for the return of a child — abduction — international abduction — whether child is settled — deportation…

  7. Ministry for Vulnerable Children v RW [2017] NZFC 7122

    Reserved judgment — care arrangements — whether custody orders should be discharged — whether additional guardianship orders should be discharged — whether social worker's plan…

  8. Armstrong v Armstrong [2017] NZFC 7098

    Reserved Judgment — application for change of day-to-day care — breach of Court orders — warrant to enforce parenting orders — Care of Children Act…

  9. Ministry for Vulnerable Children v KW [2017] NZFC 4721

    Reserved judgment — guardianship orders — application to discharge custody orders — application to discharge guardianship orders — application for parenting orders — application for…

  10. Lowe v Way [2017] NZFC 6365

    Reasons — rejection of a parent — alienation of child — application to vary or discharge guardianship order — application to suspend shared care order…