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Displaying 151 – 160 of 961 results for " "

  1. Lin v Chao [2021] NZFC 3847

    Spousal maintenance — order for interim maintenance — vary or suspend maintenance — reasonable needs — change of circumstances — full disclosure — unfettered discretion…

  2. Stoop v Cheng [2022] NZFC 2989

    Interim spousal maintenance — reasonable needs — ability to pay — Family Proceedings Act 1980, ss 66 & 182 — Property (Relationships) Act 1976 —…

  3. Re Hayden [2021] NZFC 7810

    Adoption — final adoption order — habitual residence — Adoption Act 1955, s 10 — Adoption (Intercountry) Act 1997 (AIA), ss 4 & 10 —…

  4. Ryan v Ryan [2021] NZFC 8277

    Application for rehearing — prejudice — delay in lodging application — non-appearance at proceedings — length of marriage — miscarriage of justice — "short duration"…

  5. Mercer v Mercer [2022] NZFC 5478

    Application for return of child — parenting order — Care of Children Act 2004, ss 105, 106, 109 & 110 — Hague Convention on the…

  6. Thorpe v Greene [2021] NZFC 7723

    Declaration as to paternity — balance of probabilities — opposition from alleged father's and grandfather's estate — DNA testing — Status of Children Act 1969,…

  7. Clayton v Barlow [2021] NZFC 6332

    Reserved judgment — division of relationship property — Family Court proceedings — Trusts Act 2019, ss 126-140, 130, 133, 141 & Sch 1 — Property…

  8. Taylor v Sydney [2022] NZFC 11687

    Application for spousal maintenance — interim maintenance — final maintenance — reasonable needs — ability to pay — Family Proceedings Act 1980, ss 64, 65…

  9. Petersen v Clark [2021] NZFC 4070

    Application for orders — relationship property — whether trustees can sue themselves — whether trustees should be parties to proceedings — jurisdiction of Family Court…

  10. Hanson v Frank [2021] NZFC 8343

    Guardianship dispute — relocation — Care of Children Act 2004, ss 4, 5, 6 & 46R — S v O [2006] NZFLR 1 — Briggs…