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Displaying 451 – 460 of 962 results for " "

  1. Carr v Sowerbutts [2019] NZFC 9892

    Application for provision from estate — leave to commence proceedings of deceased person's estate —breach of moral duty — enforcement of settlement — serious injustice…

  2. Short v Griffin [2020] NZFC 8869

    Application for removal of guardian — criminal offending — unwilling to perform or exercise duties — unfit to be guardian — Care of Children Act…

  3. Byers v Jennings [2020] NZFC 9179

    Appeal — child support assessment — appeal out of time — jurisdiction to extend time — Child Support Act 1991, ss 90, 91(1)(b)&(d), 103, 103A-103C,…

  4. Sowerbutts v Sowerbutts [2019] NZFC 67

    Application for leave to commence proceedings — re-call estate — survivorship — breach of moral duty — judicial settlement conference agreement — Property (Relationships) Act…

  5. Re Norman [2019] NZFC 7023

    Application for adoption — maternal aunt — intercountry adoption — fragile state — evidence of age and identity — baptismal certificate — DNA evidence —…

  6. Owens v Hamilton [2020] NZFC 7097

    Application for return of child — relocation — habitual residence — acquiescence — "grave risk" — Care of Children Act 2004, ss 95, 105 &…

  7. Sears v Franks [2020] NZFC 7474

    Relationship property division — whether qualifying relationship — whāngai — de facto relationship — contemporaneous relationships — pākehā vs Māori concepts — taonga Māori — Māoridom…

  8. Dina v Nevin [2019] NZFC 10469

    Relationship property division — valuation of chattels and vehicles — post-separation contributions — occupational rent — vesting of property — compensation for economic disparity — personal…

  9. Stone v Stone [2019] NZFC 3298

    Application for order of sale of home — children living in home — Australian superannuation — foreign immovable property — Property (Relationships) Act 1976 — Smaal…

  10. Little v Little [2020] NZFC 3532

    Relationship property dispute — settled property — trusts — contracting out agreement — nuptial settlement — marriage of long duration — Property (Relationships) Act 1976, ss…