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Displaying 511 – 520 of 962 results for " "

  1. Re Penitani Children [2019] NZFC 9195

    Adoption — final order — dispense with father's consent — welfare and best interests of children — Adoption Act 1955, ss 3, 8 & 11…

  2. Taylor v Trask [2018] NZFC 6291

    Property relationship dispute — contracting out agreement — value of family home — Property (Relationships) Act 1976, ss 4, 21A, 21J, 23 & 25. These proceedings…

  3. Marsh v Baxter [2019] NZFC 5564

    Relationship property division — Property (Relationships) Act 1976, ss 1, 2, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 17 & 18 — Ayerest v C & K…

  4. VY v MY [2019] NZFC 2812

    Care arrangements — child returned to whānau — welfare and best interests of child — additional guardians — parenting order — supervised contact — Oranga Tamariki…

  5. Graves v Tonks [2019] NZFC 4473

    Relocation — welfare and best interests of child — definition of protect — Care of Children Act 2004, ss 4, 5, 6, 15, 46R &…

  6. Holmes v Holmes [2019] NZFC 4370

    Division of relationship property — personal debt — equal division — compensation for contributions — house expenses — expenses of children — transfer of family home…

  7. Radley v Radley [2019] NZFC 10326

    Relationship property division — equal division — addiction — methamphetamine — damage of relationship property — chattels — child support — Property (Relationships) Act 1976, ss…

  8. Butler v Commissioner of Inland Revenue [2019] NZFC 3663

    Child support — appeal against administrative decision — assessment of child support — minimum period of care time — formula assessment — refund — welfare and…

  9. Beasley v Young [2019] NZFC 4495

    Relationship property division — de facto relationship — leave to apply out of time — Property (Relationships) Act 1976, ss 2 & 44 — Care…

  10. Vinson v Commissioner of Inland Revenue [2019] NZFC 10329

    Appeal against liability to pay child support — child not in care of parents — definition of carers — WINZ — family violence — protection…