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Displaying 781 – 790 of 962 results for " "

  1. Re Joanne Bartha [2016] NZFC 7039

    Final adoption order — whether European couple should adopt Māori children — principles of Māori adoption — BP v D-GSW [1997] NZFLR 642 — …

  2. Vivian Thomas v Robert John Burton [2016] NZFC 4275

    Application for provision from estate — Family Protection Act 1955, s 4 — Williams v Aucutt [2000] 2 NZLR — Lamb v Brock 2013 NZFC…

  3. Lyn Parker v Benjamin Mondy [2016] NZFC 5017

    Order preventing removal — expiry — Care of Children Act 2004, ss 6, 77 and 77A — New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990,…

  4. Stephen Roben v The Public Trust as the Executor and Trustee of the Estate of Wilfred Roben Deceased [2016] NZFC 6313

    Breach of moral duty to children — amount of redress — Family Protection Act 1955, s 3 and 4 — Vincent v Lewis [2006] NZFLR…

  5. Re Leith Kyler [2016] NZFC 6249

    Adoption Act 1955, s 17 (2) — validity of overseas adoption in New Zealand. An application for adoption of a child who had previously been…

  6. Dominic Arrington v Hazel Slater [2016] NZFC 5176

    Discovery — protest to jurisdiction — lawyer/client privilege — Property (Relationships) Act 1976, ss 44 and 44C — Family Proceedings Act 1980, s 182 —…

  7. NA v FA [2016] NZFC 3786

    Discharge of property manager — contact — Protection or Personal and Property Rights 1988, ss 10 and 31. It was determined that following implementation of…

  8. Hugh Ibbott v Louise Wescott [2016] NZFC 6369

    Application to strike out proceedings — application for contact parenting order by grandparents — Barker v Cargill [2007] NZFLR 1108 — Care of Children Act…

  9. Kennith Hall v Judy Slate [2016] NZFC 6882

    Child abducted to New Zealand — Care of Children Act 2004, ss 103 and 106 — Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child…

  10. Vincent McDougall v Jemma McDougall [2016] NZFC 6674

    Departure from formula assessment — Child Support Act 1991, ss 104 and 105. An application for departure from the formula assessment under s 104 was…