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Displaying 1021 – 1030 of 1080 results for " "

  1. Commerce Commission v Steel & Tube Holdings Ltd [2018] NZDC 21579

    Sentencing — Australian/New Zealand industry standard for reinforcing steel — building industry — culpability — "E" ductility class steel mesh products — false representations …

  2. New Zealand Police v Kirikiri [2018] NZDC 2445

    Application to admit propensity evidence — relationship propensity evidence — domestic violence — male assaults female — Evidence Act 2006, s 43 — Mahomed v…

  3. R v Mackay [2018] NZDC 1174

    Supply of methamphetamine — selling cannabis — offering to sell cannabis — sentencing — R v Fatu [2006] 2 NZLR 72 (CA). The defendant was sentenced…

  4. R v Hosay [2018] NZDC 579

    Intent to cause grievous bodily harm — sentencing. The defendant appeared for sentencing on one charge of intent to cause grievous bodily harm as a…

  5. R v Fea [2018] NZDC 1985

    Sexual offending — rape — historic offending — sentencing — R v AM [2010] NZCA 114 — Child Sex Offender Government Agency Registration Act, s…

  6. R v Hosking [2018] NZDC 1141

    Sexual connection with a young person aged between 12 and 16 — indecent communication with a young person — sentencing. The defendant was sentenced…

  7. Ministry for Primary Industries v MacFarlane [2018] NZDC 1126

    Making false statement in application to register a commercial fishing vessel — false declaration of flag of a vessel — false international call sign —…

  8. R v Lauver [2018] NZDC 598

    Indecently assaults female under 12 — sentencing. The defendant was convicted on one charge of indecently assaulting his daughter. The court noted that there is…

  9. Ministry of Fisheries v Jackson [2018] NZDC 2416

    Possessed minced paua for sale — sentencing — Fisheries Act 1996, s257 (1). The defendant was found guilty on a charge of possessing 15.94 kilograms…

  10. The Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment v Norman [2018] NZDC 19100

    Interference with operations of a ship — political protest — interference with operations — discharge without conviction — decision — Crown Minerals Act 1991, s…