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Displaying 121 – 130 of 1080 results for " "

  1. New Zealand Police v Ngarimu [2022] NZDC 13518

    Judge-alone trial — intentionally failing to comply with COVID restrictions — COVID-19 — global pandemic — traveling from level 2 area to level 3 area…

  2. R v Riini [2022] NZDC 12878

    Judge-alone trial — threatening to kill — threatening to do grievous bodily harm — Crimes Act 1961, s 306. The defendant faced charges of threatening to…

  3. R v Riini [2022] NZDC 1533

    Pretrial — admissibility of evidence — threatening to kill — threatening to do grievous bodily harm — lawyer obligations to client — privilege — client-lawyer…

  4. R v Glaser [2022] NZDC 4859

    Sentencing — theft — theft by a person in a special relationship — fraud — cryptocurrency — Bitcoin — name suppression — threats — Criminal…

  5. Ministry for Primary Industries v Jiang [2022] NZDC 12334

    Sentencing — failing to register animals — failing to declare death of animals — National Animal Identification and Tracing Act 2012 — Animal Welfare Act…

  6. Director of Civil Aviation v Henderson [2022] NZDC 12710

    Sentencing — operating an aircraft without holding the appropriate and current private pilot licence — operating an aircraft without a medical certificate — Civil Aviation…

  7. R v Wills [2022] NZDC 11979

    Sentencing — blackmail — discharge without conviction — name suppression — Sentencing Act 2002, s 106 — Z (CA447/12) v R [2012] NZCA 599 —…

  8. R v Tai [2022] NZDC 11766

    Judge-alone trial — wounding with intent to injure — injuring with intent to injure — failing to stop — Criminal Procedure Act 2011, s 105…

  9. R v Meredith [2022] NZDC 11281

    Sentencing — assaulting a child — kidnapping — assault in a family relationship — assault with intent to injure — breach of a protection order. The…

  10. New Zealand Customs Service v Tae [2022] NZDC 11740

    Remitted from High Court — restoration of cash forfeit — knowingly attempting to export undeclared cash — making a cash report knowing it was false…