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Displaying 181 – 190 of 1091 results for " "

  1. R v Burgess [2022] NZDC 23665

    Sentencing — arson — hate crime. Two defendants appeared for sentence on a charge of arson. They had lit a fire inside a wheelie bin and…

  2. R v Haare [2021] NZDC 10234

    Admissibility of evidence — text messages — hearsay — Evidence Act 2006, s 4 — Payne v R [2012] NZCA 529 — Singh v R…

  3. R v Senior [2020] NZDC 306

    Pretrial hearing — admissibility of evidence — propensity evidence — organised crime — gang related offending — conspiring to manufacture methamphetamine — manufacturing methamphetamine — conspiring…

  4. R v Paul [2022] NZDC 13106

    Sentencing — receiving stolen goods — stolen clothing — Sentencing Act 2002, ss 16 & 20 — R v Rawiri [2011] NZCA 244. The defendant appeared…

  5. Department of Corrections v Mosen [2020] NZDC 11123

    Reserved decision — extended supervision order — violent offending — “persistent harbouring of vengeful intentions” — "eligible offender" — "vengeful" — Parole Act 2002, ss…

  6. R v Bush [2021] NZDC 13299

    Interim name suppression — burglary — theft of clothing — open justice — extreme hardship — public interest — Criminal Procedure Act 2011, s 200. Two…

  7. R v Bush [2022] NZDC 1777

    Sentencing — burglary — using a document — theft of fashion garments. The defendant appeared for sentence on one charge of burglary and four of using…

  8. R v Paul [2022] NZDC 8921

    Discharge without conviction — receiving stolen property — Sentencing Act 2002, ss 106 & 107 — R v Bom (CA209/96, 16 October 1996) — Burgess…

  9. Ministry for Primary Industries v Richmond [2022] NZDC 7697

    Sentencing — failing to register animals — National Animal Identification and Tracing Act 2012, s 30(1)(b) & sch 2, cl 15(2)(a) — Sentencing Act 2002,…

  10. R v Huizinga [2022] NZDC 8571

    Sentencing — making a false document — discharge without conviction — name suppression — cultural appropriation — freedom of expression — online bullying. Two defendants were…