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Displaying 251 – 260 of 1091 results for " "

  1. New Zealand Police v Lum [2021] NZDC 9036

    Judge-alone trial — reserved decision — speaking threateningly — breach of protection order — threatens to kill. The defendant faced several domestic violence-related charges against a…

  2. R v Puru [2021] NZDC 8300

    Sentencing — assault on a person in a family relationship — arson — no guiding tariff. The defendant appeared for sentence on two charges of assault…

  3. R v Clarke [2021] NZDC 6580

    Sentencing — sexual violation by unlawful sexual connection — Sentencing Act 2002, s 27 — R v AM (CA27/2009) [2010] NZCA 114, [2010] 2 NZLR…

  4. New Zealand Police v McElrea [2020] NZDC 10108

    Reserved judgment — killing wild animal without authority of owner of land — hunting without authority of owner of land — poaching — "hunt or…

  5. R v Bayne [2020] NZDC 10017

    Sentencing — misleading the Official Assignee — managing a business while an undischarged bankrupt — concealing property from the Official Assignee — concrete business —…

  6. New Zealand Ministry for Primary Industries v Wilton [2020] NZDC 26212

    Sentencing — taking rock lobsters in breach of regulations — Sentencing Act 2002, s 106 — Fisheries Act 1996, s 255E — Bullen v…

  7. Ministry for Primary Industries v Taylor [2021] NZDC 2037

    Sentencing — knowingly selling rock lobster — possession of undersized rock lobster — cray pots — Fisheries Act 1996. The defendant appeared for sentence, having pleaded…

  8. WorkSafe New Zealand v Smart Environmental Limited [2021] NZDC 20061

    Sentencing — failing to comply with duty — exposing individual to risk of death or serious injury — Health and Safety at Work Act 2015,…

  9. Electrical Workers Registration Board v Hangiu [2021] NZDC 16615

    Sentencing — undertaking electrical work without registration — Electricity Act 1992. The defendant appeared for sentence on a charge of carrying out electrical work while unqualified…

  10. R v Dale Emberton [2021] NZDC 12332

    Sentencing — operated aircraft in manner causing unnecessary danger to any other person — commercial pilot — damaged aeroplane — Civil Aviation Act 1990. The defendant…