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Displaying 261 – 270 of 1091 results for " "

  1. Ministry for Primary Industries v Walker [2021] NZDC 3019

    Sentencing — bottom trawling — benthic protection area — forfeiture — special reasons — Sentencing Act 2002, ss 7, 8, 106 & 107 — Fisheries…

  2. R v Falwasser [2021] NZDC 10953

    Sentencing — no guiding tariff — arson — Zhang v R [2019] MZCA 507 — Erickson v R [2012] NZCA 449. The defendant had pleaded guilty…

  3. New Zealand Police v Coric [2020] NZDC 14016

    Application to dismiss charges — admissibility of evidence — excess breath alcohol — evidential blood test — statutory 10-minute period — effective communication — Land…

  4. Royal New Zealand Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals v Templeman [2020] NZDC 10057

    Sentencing — failing to ensure dog received necessary treatment to alleviate pain and suffering — failing to ensure dog had its health, physical and behavioural…

  5. Ministry for Primary Industries v Vakai [2021] NZDC 2725

    Sentencing — possession of mussels in excess of the daily limit — Fisheries Act 1996, ss 255C(2) & 257(1)(d). The defendant appeared for sentence on a…

  6. New Zealand Police v Birchall [2022] NZDC 3191

    Reserved decision — assault — claim of right — reasonable force — peaceable possession — possessory lien — Summary Offences Act 1981, s 9 —…

  7. New Zealand Police v Birchall [2022] NZDC 397

    Re-hearing — admissibility of evidence — hearsay — unavailable witness — Evidence Act 2006, ss 4, 8, 16 & 18. The defendant had previously been convicted…

  8. WorkSafe New Zealand v Otago Rural Management Ltd [2020] NZDC 9566

    Sentencing — failing to ensure health and safety of workers — exposing workers to risk of death or serious injury — farm work — faulty…

  9. Ministry for Primary Industries v Hayward [2021] NZDC 1978

    Formal proof hearing — infringement notices — contravention of Fisheries Regulations — using a pot not marked in prescribed manner — undersized fish — butterfish…

  10. New Zealand Police v Summers [2021] NZDC 7322

    Judge-alone trial — presenting rifle without lawful or sufficient purpose — discharging firearm near dwellinghouse so as to frighten — level 4 lockdown — self-defence…