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Displaying 281 – 290 of 1091 results for " "

  1. New Zealand Police v Cribb [2021] NZDC 10475

    Sentencing — failing to file election expenses — failing to declare candidate donations — Electoral Act 1993 — Electoral Finance Act 2007 — Ravelich v…

  2. New Zealand Customs Service v Hellewell [2021] NZDC 8426

    Sentencing — participating in an organised criminal group — distribution of objectionable publications — child pornography — sexual exploitation of children — Films, Videos, and…

  3. R v Moore [2021] NZDC 8794

    Sentencing — kidnapping — aggravated robbery — assault with intention to rob — assault with weapon — unlawful possession of firearm — Search and Surveillance…

  4. New Zealand Police v Cochrane [2021] NZDC 8224

    Sentencing — causing harm by posting digital communication — Harmful Digital Communications Act 2015 — Sentencing Act 2002, ss 7, 8 & 9. The defendant appeared…

  5. R v Harvey [2021] NZDC 8116

    Dismissal of charges — unduly protracted length of time between offending and hearing — prosecutorial abuse of process — indecency between males — indecent assault…

  6. New Zealand Police v Johnson [2020] NZDC 260

    Sentencing — burglary — methamphetamine addiction — drug offending — theft — reparation. The defendant appeared for sentence on six charges of burglary and some minor…

  7. New Zealand Police v Griffiths [2020] NZDC 7356

    Sentencing — possession of drugs — methamphetamine — LSD — cannabis — GBL — breach of Health Act — breach of COVID-19 lockdown rules —…

  8. R v Algie [2020] NZDC 4960

    Sentencing — arson — burglary — breach of a protection order — breach of release conditions — Criminal Procedure (Mentally Impaired Persons) Act 2003, s…

  9. Ministry for Primary Industries v Khan [2020] NZDC 4695

    Sentencing — selling unauthorised goods — intentional mislabelling of goods — risk of importing pathogens — hilsa fish — cholera — salmonella — MPI v NP…

  10. R v Nicholson [2020] NZDC 301

    Judge alone trial — failing to fill out census form — dwelling form — census — data collection — individual form — Statistics New Zealand…