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Displaying 441 – 450 of 1091 results for " "

  1. Auckland Council v Zhou [2020] NZDC 27370

    Sentencing — attack on domestic animal — destruction of dog — exceptional circumstances — Dog Control Act 1996, ss 57(3) & 76 — Auckland Council…

  2. R v Koning [2021] NZDC 7383

    Sentencing — sexual violation by rape — rape of girlfriend — R v AM (CA27/2009) [2010] 2 NZLR 750. The defendant appeared for sentence after being…

  3. WorkSafe New Zealand v Waste Management NZ Ltd [2021] NZDC 12388

    Reserved judgment — judge-alone trial — failing to comply with health and safety duties — acting with reckless disregard to health and safety duties —…

  4. R v Tranter [2019] NZDC 7924

    Name suppression — fair trial rights — extreme hardship to family members — sexual violation by rape — sexual violation by unlawful sexual connection — indecent…

  5. New Zealand Police v Brookman [2020] NZDC 26801

    Posting digital communication intended to harm — text messages — threats to kill — discharge — "serious emotional distress" — Harmful Digital Communications Act 2015…

  6. Ministry for Primary Industries v Melesala [2019] NZDC 13873

    Sentencing — illegal sale of fish — seafood — paua — sea cucumber — crayfish — illegal fishing — Fisheries Act 1996. The defendant appeared for…

  7. Commerce Commission v Farmland Foods Ltd [2019] NZDC 14839

    Sentencing — engaging in conduct liable to mislead the public as to the nature or characteristics of goods — meat processing — ham — imported…

  8. New Zealand Police v Wainwright [2019] NZDC 14296

    Trial — wilful damage — lawful justification — pou — cultural significance — Rangitaane — intolerance — Manawatu Gorge — cut off penis with chainsaw…

  9. R v Nolan [2019] NZDC 15739

    Sentencing — wounding with intent to cause grievous bodily harm — threatening to kill — R v Kerr HC Hamilton CRI-2004-019-7319, 21 September 2005 —…

  10. R v Himiona [2019] NZDC 16064

    Sentencing — injuring with intent to cause grievous bodily harm — injuring with intent to injure — assault with intent to injure — R v…