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Displaying 461 – 470 of 1091 results for " "

  1. Inland Revenue Department v Basalaj [2020] NZDC 19345

    Sentencing — applying tax deductions for other purpose than accounting to IRD — PAYE — Zaheed v R [2010] NZCA 573 — R v Easton…

  2. Ministry for Primary Industries v Te Moana [2020] NZDC 10096

    Commercial fishing — rock lobsters — non-complying rock lobster pots — escape apertures — forfeiture of equipment — Fisheries Act 1996, s 255C — Fisheries…

  3. New Zealand Customs Service v Gallagher [2021] NZDC 2456

    Sentencing — distributing objectionable publications — exporting objectionable publication — name suppression — registration order — Child Protection (Child Sex Offender Government Agency Registration) Act…

  4. R v Tele [2019] NZDC 11059

    Admissibility of evidence — 111 call — severance — breach of protection order — unauthorised entry into home — refusal to leave home — unauthorised…

  5. Ministry for Primary Industries v Sealord Group Ltd [2020] NZDC 26659

    Forfeiture — whether retention of asset would be manifestly unjust — fishing boat — Fisheries Act 1996, ss 256 & 264. The defendant fishing company had…

  6. New Zealand Police v Cox [2020] NZDC 25788

    Application to cancel alcohol interlock licence — zero alcohol licence — drink driving — driving while disqualified — special circumstances — Land Transport Act 1998,…

  7. New Zealand Police v Taueki [2020] NZDC 13860

    Judge-alone trial — threatening to kill — intimidation — witness bias — Summary Offences Act 1981, s 21(1)(a) — Criminal Procedure Act 2011, s 147…

  8. New Zealand Police v Hanafin [2020] NZDC 23606

    Judge-alone trial — trespass — climate protest — oil-drilling vessel — environmental civil disobedience — freedom of expression — Sentencing Act 2002. Four defendants appeared on…

  9. New Zealand Police v Bowen [2019] NZDC 7173

    Application for disclosure — victim video statements — family violence complainant — mobile video records — Criminal Disclosure Act 2008, s 42 — Evidence Act 2006,…

  10. Ministry for Primary Industries v McDonald [2018] NZDC 16909

    Reserved judgment — animal welfare — dairy cattle — failure to ensure physical and behavioural needs — Animal Welfare Act 1999, ss 2, 4, 10,…