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Displaying 481 – 490 of 1091 results for " "

  1. New Zealand Police v Lewis [2020] NZDC 25765

    Judge-alone trial — excess breath alcohol — right to consult lawyer — right to privacy — improperly obtained evidence — drink driving — reasonable person…

  2. R v Lang [2020] NZDC 16389

    Sentencing — discharge without conviction — indecent assault — vulnerable workers — flight attendant — name suppression — extreme hardship — Sentencing Act 2002, s 106…

  3. R v Spence [2020] NZDC 7773

    Sentencing — acting as a director of a phoenix company — taking part in the management of a phoenix company — breach of director’s duties…

  4. R v Gray [2021] NZDC 2639

    Sentencing — wounding with intent to injure — broken leg — wilful ill treatment — child abuse — home detention — mitigating circumstances — Crohn's…

  5. Statistics New Zealand v Small [2019] NZDC 24955

    Pretrial ruling — admissibility of evidence — neglected or refused to fill in and supply census information — identification evidence — circumstantial evidence — 2018 census…

  6. Ministry for Primary Industries v Amaltal Fishing Co Ltd [2020] NZDC 22506

    Judge-alone trial — taking or removing marine life from Marine Reserve — strict liability offending — mens rea — vicarious liability — "person" — rules…

  7. R v Stirrat [2019] NZDC 25666

    Sentencing — supplying Class A drug — supplying Class B controlled drug — supplying methamphetamine — offering to supply — conspiracy to supply — cocaine —…

  8. Commerce Commission v Contact Energy [2020] NZDC 4415

    Sentencing — false or misleading representation in connection with the promotion of supply or services — smartfuel rewards scheme — failing to disclose qualifications on offers…

  9. Auckland Council v U & S Chand Investments Ltd [2019] NZDC 26210

    Failing to comply with food plan — risk to lives and health of public — pest infestation — cockroach infestation — rotten food — R…

  10. R v Greenhorn [2019] NZDC 25677

    Sentencing — burglary — theft of a motor vehicle — arson — supplying methamphetamine — Zhang v R [2019] NZCA 507. The defendant appeared for sentencing…