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Displaying 501 – 510 of 1091 results for " "

  1. R v Cresswell [2019] NZDC 24045

    Sentencing — operating a motor vehicle in a race causing death — operating a motor vehicle in a race causing injury — death of passengers…

  2. New Zealand Police v Whitmore [2019] NZDC 23935

    Sentencing — intimidation — causing harm by posting a digital communication — psychological violence — family violence — protection order — Harmful Digital Communications Act 2015…

  3. Commerce Commission v 2 Boys Trading Ltd [2019] NZDC 22557

    Sentencing — supplying goods not complying with product safety standard — toys — Fair Trading Act 1986, s 30(1) — Sentencing Act 2002 — Commerce Commission…

  4. New Zealand Police v Johnson [2020] NZDC 2153

    Dismissal of charge — undue delay — careless operation of motor vehicle causing injury — Criminal Procedure Act 2011, ss 78 & 147 — New…

  5. R v Savigny [2019] NZDC 20018

    Endangering transport — interfering with transport facility — reckless driving — dismissal of charge — Crimes Act 1961, s 270 — Criminal Procedure Act 2011,…

  6. New Zealand Police v Cooper [2020] NZDC 6922

    Sentencing — failing to comply with COVID-19 level 4 lockdown requirements — global pandemic — public health — public safety — unnecessary travel — breaking bubble…

  7. New Zealand Police v Spence [2020] NZDC 6759

    Sentencing — stealing bread — unlawfully on property — failure to comply with Health Act requirements — breach of COVID-19 regulations — global pandemic — coronavirus…

  8. New Zealand Police v Woods [2020] NZDC 6614

    Sentencing — dangerous driving — failing to stop — driving while forbidden — non-compliance with COVID-19 lockdown restrictions — failure to comply with Health Act —…

  9. WorkSafe New Zealand v Guru NZ Ltd [2020] NZDC 2955

    Sentencing — failing to ensure health and safety of workers — death — hydraulic excavator — grapple — log exporter — risk assessment — Safe…

  10. Director of Civil Aviation v Sarginson [2019] NZDC 21779

    Sentencing — reckless conduct in respect of duty — PCUB — Health and Safety at Work Act 2015, ss 47-49, 50 & 151 — Sentencing…