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Displaying 521 – 530 of 1091 results for " "

  1. R v Abraham [2019] NZDC 888

    Sentencing — aggravated burglary — indecent assault — sexual violation by unlawful sexual connection — sexual violation by rape — DNA evidence — R v…

  2. R v Schaapveld [2020] NZDC 5211

    Sentencing — discharge without conviction — wounding with reckless disregard — house party — broken bottle — Sentencing Act 2002, s 106 — Oranga Tamariki Act…

  3. R v Hunuhunu [2019] NZDC 4408

    Pre-trial hearing — admissibility of evidence — visual identification — Evidence Act 2006, s 45 — Harney v Police [2011] NZSC 107. Two defendants faced a…

  4. R v Paunovic [2019] NZDC 18478

    Sentencing — importing Class B controlled drug — GBL — R v Wallace [1999] 3 NZLR 159 — R v Adams [2008] NZCA 171 —…

  5. R v de Lautour [2020] NZDC 2221

    Disputed facts hearing — drug offending — possession for supply — whether for commercial supply — aggravating factor — onus of proof — methamphetamine — meth…

  6. Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment v Ace Steel Beam Ltd [2020] NZDC 1754

    Sentencing — knowingly employed an unlawful employee — no valid work VISA — employment law — aided, abetted, incited, counselled or procured a person to breach…

  7. R v Duffell [2020] NZDC 1704

    Sentencing — aggravated driving causing death — drug driving — driving while forbidden — Kao v Police [2015] NZHC 1793 — Queen v Ko [2012]…

  8. R v Sharpe [2020] NZDC 1099

    Sentencing — aggravated robbery — careless use of a firearm — assault with a weapon — possession of cannabis plant material — emotional offending — shotgun…

  9. R v Baker [2020] NZDC 3179

    Sentencing — injuring with intent to cause grievous bodily harm — assault with a weapon — burning — stabbing — prison attack — Sentencing Act…

  10. Financial Markets Authority v Morgan DeVere Corporate Finance Ltd [2019] NZDC 10646

    Sentencing — holding out that in business of providing financial service while unregistered — wilfully ignoring responsibilities to be registered — R v Robinson [2015] NZHC…