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Displaying 571 – 580 of 1091 results for " "

  1. New Zealand Police v Morrison [2019] NZDC 13977

    Sentencing — theft — assaulting a constable with intent to obstruct — threatening to kill — trespass — assaulting a constable acting in the execution…

  2. R v Howes [2019] NZDC 11953

    Sentencing — wounding with intent to cause grievous bodily harm — stabbing — carriage of a knife — R v Taueki [2005] 3 NZLR 372. The…

  3. R v Cuthbert [2019] NZDC 16558

    Sentencing — burglary — commercial premises — cultural report — cultural background factors — no sentencing tariff — absconding from bail — deportation from Australia —…

  4. R v Cameron [2019] NZDC 10953

    Sentencing — wilfully attempting to pervert the course of justice — filming jury pool — R v Churchward CA439/05, 2 March 2006 — R v…

  5. New Zealand Statistics v Dempsey [2019] NZDC 10635

    Failure to complete census — neglecting or refusing to supply particulars — Statistics Act 1975, s 43(1). The defendant appeared for sentencing on two charges of…

  6. R v Bevins [2019] NZDC 7407

    Sentencing — causing harm by posting digital communications — attempting to cause harm by posting a digital communication — video — YouTube — Facebook — vigilante…

  7. WorkSafe New Zealand v Pegasus Engineering Ltd [2019] NZDC 7162

    Sentencing — exposing individual to risk of harm — whether co-worker of deceased a victim — definition of victim — Stumpmaster v WorkSafe New Zealand [2018]…

  8. R v Frost [2019] NZDC 10914

    Sentencing — threatening to kill — causing grievous bodily harm with intent to cause grievous bodily harm — assault — assault on a child —…

  9. Newing v New Zealand Police [2018] NZDC 5927

    Appeal from ruling of Community Magistrate — discharge without conviction — driving with excess blood/alcohol — Sentencing Act 2002, s 106 — May v May [1982]…

  10. Ministry of Social Development v Meynell [2019] NZDC 6247

    Sentencing — obtaining by deception — benefit fraud — dishonestly using documents — using a document to gain a pecuniary advantage — Social Security Act 1964. Two…