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Displaying 601 – 610 of 1091 results for " "

  1. Department of Internal Affairs v Chadwick [2018] NZDC 20716

    Sentencing — making material relating to child sexual abuse and exploitation — distributing material relating to child sexual abuse and exploitation — possessing material relating to…

  2. R v Gwilliam [2018] NZDC 20623

    Sentencing — injuring with intent to cause grievous bodily harm — sledgehammer — imprisonment. The defendant appeared for sentence on one charge of injuring with intent…

  3. Schulte v New Zealand Police [2018] NZDC 20585

    Application to vacate guilty plea — driving with excess breath alcohol — unlawful arrest — inadequate legal advice — Thompson v Police, HC, Wellington Registry, AP…

  4. Ministry for Primary Industries v Down Cow Ltd [2018] NZDC 20169

    Sentencing — cruelty to animals — calves — blunt force trauma — Erickson v Ministry for Primary Industries [2017] NZCA 271 — Animal Welfare Act…

  5. R v Saxon [2018] NZDC 16325

    Mode of evidence — complainant behind screen — threatening with menace — male assaults female — theft — possession of an offensive weapon — assault with…

  6. R v Griffin [2018] NZDC 16389

    Mode of evidence — evidence from behind screen — admissibility of letter — admissibility of witness evidence — previous consistent statements — R v O…

  7. Ministry for Primary Industries v Taylor [2018] NZDC 20840

    Sentencing — application for discharge without conviction — possession of over 50 toheroa — Z (CA 447/12) v R [2012] NZCA 599 — Iosefa v…

  8. R v Andrell [2019] NZDC 236

    Admissibility of evidence — cultivating prohibited plant — possession of a Class C controlled drug — cannabis — warrantless search — production order on telecommunications company…

  9. R v Henare [2019] NZDC 589

    Sentencing — dangerous driving causing death — failing to stop and ascertain injury — driving with excess breath alcohol content — driving while licence suspended —…

  10. New Zealand Police v Hall [2019] NZDC 2406

    Sentencing — burglary — meth — utensils — Arahanga v R [2012] NZCA 480. The defendant appeared for sentence having pleaded guilty to 10 charges of…