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Displaying 641 – 650 of 1091 results for " "

  1. R v Bernard [2019] NZDC 3918

    Sentencing — sexual conduct with a child under 12 — sexual violation by unlawful sexual connection — sexual violation — R v AM (CA27/2009). The defendant…

  2. WorkSafe New Zealand v Ron Frew Family Partnership Ltd [2018] NZDC 20330

    Failure to ensure health and safety of workers — horticulture company — WorkSafe v Firewood Direct Motueka Limited [2015] NZDC 23514 — Stumpmaster v WorkSafe New…

  3. Motor Vehicle Dealers Institute v Sykes [2018] NZDC 16437

    Unregistered motor vehicle trading — selling 11 vehicles for gain — consumer protection — Commerce Commission v LD Nathan & Co Ltd [1990] 2 NZLR…

  4. R v Taukei [2018] NZDC 14885

    Propensity evidence — burglary — previous burglary convictions — Evidence Act 2002, s 9. The defendant faced a charge of burglary. He was alleged to have…

  5. R v Suega [2019] NZDC 1118

    Admissibility of evidence — threats to kill — breach of protection order — assault with intent to injure — previous conviction — abusive texts —…

  6. R v Martin [2019] NZDC 1984

    Sentencing — indecency with a boy aged between 12 and 16 — sexual violation by unlawful sexual connection — historic sexual offending — conviction and discharge…

  7. R v Matenga [2019] NZDC 2042

    Sentencing — aggravated burglary — assault with a weapon — common assault — wounding with intent to cause grievous bodily harm — possessing an offensive weapon…

  8. New Zealand Police v Garlick [2019] NZDC 2046

    Sentencing — possession of objectionable publications — child exploitation — bestiality — possession of cannabis — online disinhibition effect — Tilyard v Police [2016] NZHC 1377…

  9. R v Leon [2019] NZDC 2841

    Sentencing — blackmail — harm caused by posting harmful digital communication — online — social media — nude photos — lack of remorse. The defendant appeared…

  10. WorkSafe New Zealand v Richard Stodart Building Ltd [2019] NZDC 4119

    Sentencing — WorkSafe — amputation — Health and Safety at Work Act 2015, ss 36, 48, 151, 152 & 158 — Stumpmaster v WorkSafe New…