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Displaying 651 – 660 of 1091 results for " "

  1. Director of Civil Aviation v Chatachvilly [2019] NZDC 5854

    Application for discharge without conviction — Sentencing Act 2002, ss 8, 11 & 106 — Civil Aviation Act 1990, s 44 — CAA — plane…

  2. MacLardy Fishing Ltd v Ministry for Primary Industries [2019] NZDC 2275

    Application for relief from forfeiture — fisheries — MPI — manifest injustice — redemption payment — Fisheries Act 1996, ss 8, 232 & 256. The applicant…

  3. R v Davies [2019] NZDC 2174

    Judge-alone trial — aggravated burglary — assault with intent to injure — male assaults female — burglary — beyond reasonable doubt. The defendant faced a judge-alone…

  4. R v Wright [2019] NZDC 2122

    Sentencing — rape — abduction — sexual offending — R v AM [2010] NZCA 114 — R v H CA436/02, 23 June 2003. The defendant appeared…

  5. Commonwealth of Australia v Sarker [2019] NZDC 1119

    Extradition — endorsement of arrest warrant — eligibility for surrender — whether the case should be referred to the Minister — R v Schaapveld [2016]…

  6. R v Roberts [2019] NZDC 450

    Sentencing — aggravated robbery — dairy robbery — R v Mako [2000] 2 NZLR 170. The defendant appeared for sentence having pleaded guilty to two charges;…

  7. R v Millar [2018] NZDC 16646

    Sentencing — causing harm by posting a digital communication — revenge porn — naked photograph posted on social media — male assaults female — Harmful Digital…

  8. Maritime New Zealand v Wild Fish (NZ) Ltd [2018] NZDC 16476

    Sentencing — causing or committing a ship to be operated in a manner which caused unnecessary danger or risk to any other person or to…

  9. WorkSafe New Zealand v Juken New Zealand Ltd [2019] NZDC 3596

    Sentencing — failing to comply with a duty that exposed workers to risk of injury or death — Health and Safety at Work Act 2015…

  10. Commissioner of Inland Revenue v Ferguson [2019] NZDC 1882

    Sentencing — failing to provide income tax returns — failing to provide GST returns — Beazley v Inland Revenue Department (2003) 21 NZTC 18 —…