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Displaying 71 – 80 of 1080 results for " "

  1. R v Jamieson [2019] NZDC 15864

    Pretrial ruling — communication assistant — communication disability — oral questioning — Evidence Act 2006, ss 80 & 81 — R v Moeke and…

  2. WorkSafe New Zealand v Wealleans Bay of Plenty Ltd [2022] NZDC 9826

    Judge-alone trial — failing to ensure health and safety of other persons — failing to conduct appropriate risk assessment — failing to implement safe system…

  3. R v Bourne [2023] NZDC 4646

    Dismissal of charges — aggravated burglary — contempt by witness — Contempt of Court Act 2019 — Criminal Procedure Act 2011, s 147. The defendant was…

  4. Ministry for Primary Industries v Nohotima [2023] NZDC 18126

    Sentencing — contravening Fisheries Act for benefit — breaches of customary fishing permits — customary harvesting — falsified customary permits — illegal sales — crayfish…

  5. New Zealand Police v Edwards [2022] NZDC 6330

    Sentencing — possession of methamphetamine for supply — sale or supply of methamphetamine — possession of cannabis — possession of ammunition — Zhang v R…

  6. Re Lucas [2023] NZDC 4072

    Contempt of court — abuse of counsel — witness threatening defendant — Contempt of Court Act 2019 — Forest v R [2016] NZHC 3198. A witness…

  7. R v Jaz [2023] NZDC 14646

    Reasons — stupefying — rape — sexual violation — disabling — male assaults female — indecent assault — making an intimate visual recording — possessing…

  8. R v Jaz [2023] NZDC 18297

    Sentencing — indecent assault — disabling — sexual violation — stupefying — intimate visual recordings — victim report — Sentencing Act 2002, ss 27 &…

  9. Ministry of Primary Industries v Hellers [2018] NZDC 27306

    Sentencing — food safety — packaging — Food Act 2014, ss 12, 14 & 240(1) — NZFSA v Chico's Restaurant Ltd CRI-2007-059-1880 DC Queenstown, 16…

  10. R v Boatwright-Pinn [2018] NZDC 8631

    Sentencing — supply of methamphetamine. The first defendant had been sentenced for two charges. Since then two more references had been submitted; one from the…