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Displaying 721 – 730 of 1091 results for " "

  1. R v Welch [2018] NZDC 13491

    Admissibility of evidence — police interview — length of interview — indecency with a girl under 12 — sexual conduct with a girl under 12…

  2. R v Welch [2018] NZDC 17909

    Application for copy of recorded interview of complainant — R v Crichton [2017] NZDC 12601 — Evidence Act 2006, ss 106(3), 106(4A), (4B) & (4C). The…

  3. R v Summers [2018] NZDC 12411

    Intellectually-impaired complainant — non-party disclosure — Criminal Disclosure Act 2008, ss 8, 27 & 29 — Evidence Act 2006, s 44. Both defendants faced sexual violation…

  4. R v Hunter [2018] NZDC 12414

    Propensity evidence — relationship evidence — assault on child — previous violence in household. The defendant faced two charges of assault on a child. The complainant…

  5. R v Middleton [2018] NZDC 12621

    Fitness to stand trial — insanity — Criminal Procedure (Mentally impaired Persons) Act 2003, ss 9, 14 & 20 — Crimes Act 1961, s 23. The…

  6. R v Waters [2018] NZDC 13820

    Sentencing — threatening to kill — male assaults female — breach of parole — attack to throat — R v Ward [1976] 1 NZLR 588…

  7. New Zealand Police v Williams [2018] NZDC 20650

    Sentencing — improperly interfering with dead human body — human corpse — human toes — Body Worlds exhibit — theft — Takamore v Clarke [2013]…

  8. New Zealand Police v Murray [2019] NZDC 3317

    Re-hearing — careless driving — appeal from Justices of the Peace — standard of proof — beyond reasonable doubt. The defendant appealed a conviction of careless…

  9. WorkSafe New Zealand v Nanai [2019] NZDC 10327

    Sentencing — hindered or obstructed WorkSafe inspector — failure to comply — reasonably practicable — failure to ensure health and safety at work — inadequate systems…

  10. R v Williams [2018] NZDC 20546

    Sentencing — importing methamphetamine — manufacturing methamphetamine — supplying methamphetamine — R v Fatu [2006] 2 NZLR 72. The defendant appeared for sentence on three…