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Displaying 731 – 740 of 1091 results for " "

  1. New Zealand Police v Hancock [2018] NZDC 20549

    Sentencing — assault — assault with intent to injure — injuring with intent to injure — threatening conduct with intent to intimidate. The defendant appeared for…

  2. New Zealand Police v Fauatea [2018] NZDC 14035

    Admissibility of evidence — lawfulness of police stop — lawfulness of search — R v Pickery CA92/02, 26 June 2002 — Jones v Attorney-General [2004]…

  3. R v Mullaney [2019] NZDC 3168

    Admissibility of evidence — evidential interview video — unfairly prejudicial effect — jury trial — Evidence Act 2006, s 8. The Crown applied for an order…

  4. R v Condon [2018] NZDC 20464

    Application to give evidence by video link — witness fears of intimidation — Evidence Act 2006, ss 102A, 103, 105 & 106 — Courts Remote…

  5. R v Talbot [2018] NZDC 20608

    Sentencing — sexual violation by rape — sexual violation by unlawful sexual connection — R v AM [2010] NZCA 114, [2010] 2 NZLR 750 —…

  6. R v Tillman [2018] NZDC 20379

    Witness evidence — cellphone expert — Criminal Disclosure Act 2008, ss 13, 34. In this pretrial matter the defendant objected to the Crown's attempts to introduce…

  7. WorkSafe New Zealand v North Island Mussels Ltd [2018] NZDC 20269

    Sentencing — failure to ensure health and safety of workers at work — quantum of reparations — quantum of fine — Stumpmaster v WorkSafe New…

  8. Police v Chellew [2019] NZDC 3650

    Sentencing — failing to stop to ascertain injury — fatal accident — driving — home detention — disqualification — alcohol — cannabis — restorative justice. The…

  9. R v Ranginui [2019] NZDC 4064

    Sentencing — rape — burglary — assault with intent to commit sexual violation — second strike. The defendant appeared for sentencing for one charge each of…

  10. Department of Conservation v Basil [2018] NZDC 20219

    Application for discharge — taking of sperm whale — Tupu v Police [2014] NZHC 743 — Rodrigo v Police [2014] NZCA 68 — Marine Mammals…