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Displaying 751 – 760 of 1091 results for " "

  1. R v Johnston [2019] NZDC 3896

    Sentencing — obtaining by deception — Ponzi scheme — $2,000,000 loss — imprisonment — Crimes Act 1961, s 240 — R v Varjan CA 97/03,…

  2. Commerce Commission v Goodview Trading Ltd [2019] NZDC 3795

    Sentencing — breach of Fair Trading Act — defective and potentially unsafe toys — safety standards — Fair Trading Act 1986, ss 1 & 30…

  3. R v Poi [2019] NZDC 3418

    Sentencing — burglary — attempted burglary — loitering — theft — unlawfully interfering with a motor vehicle — Arahanga v R [2012] NZCA 480 —…

  4. R v Vernon [2019] NZDC 3144

    Sentencing — aggravated burglary — presenting a firearm — shotgun — joint enterprise — sentencing indication — Misuse of Drugs Act 1975 — Arms Act…

  5. New Zealand Police v Chamberlain [2019] NZDC 1404

    Prosecution — Judge alone trial — injuring with intent to injure — assault with a blunt weapon — beyond reasonable doubt — self-defence — domestic violence…

  6. New Zealand Police v Norton [2018] NZDC 27386

    Sentencing — driving with excess breath alcohol causing injury — dangerous driving — failing to stop or ascertain injury or death after a crash —…

  7. R v Sale [2018] NZDC 20303

    Sentencing — rape — sexual conduct with a young person under 16 — assault with a weapon — assault on a child — cultural report…

  8. WorkSafe New Zealand v Davis Tree Service Ltd [2019] NZDC 8584

    Sentencing — WorkSafe prosecution — Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 ss 36, 40, 48, 152 & 158 — Sentencing Act 2002, s 32…

  9. New Zealand Police v Duncan [2019] NZDC 8783

    Right to consult lawyer in private — failure to remain stopped — drink driving — privacy — improperly obtained evidence — Land Transport Act 1998 —…

  10. R v Kirby [2019] NZDC 7644

    Application for a discharge without conviction — operating an aircraft in a careless manner — pilot — consequences of conviction — Civil Aviation Act 1990,…